Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nuestra casa, el numero cinco

I feel like it's been forever since I updated this thing. And one of the main reasons is that we just moved into a new apartment last week--we love it! Our last one was great, I just can't believe we lived there for a year and a half. The layout was awful, and little Cordy's makeshift bedroom (aka closet) just wasn't cutting it anymore. We were able to fit her crib and a dresser in there, and we still had room to walk in and lay her down, or dress her...but she only had a curtain for a door, so that made for hundreds of evenings whispering--especially since she goes to bed at 7 pm. And now, hallelujah! she has a room, and a door; and our layout is a million times better. We feel so blessed to have had the little home that we did, but now we feel continued to be blessed by moving into our new home.
Things are just coming together. We had massive storage, and I mean MASSIVE, at our old apartment, so moving here we have had to de-junk like you wouldn't believe. But this is good for us, because no home we will live in, in the next 4 years will have that much storage. So I have been organizing, painting, decorating...and yada, yada, yada to get this place to feel more like our home.
One of my favorite things is that now I can close all the doors in our hallway, and stand in the kitchen to do dishes, cook or whatever, and keep my eyes on our little toddler :) (Which by the way she turns one in just 3 days! Yikes)

And yes this is really our family's 5th home together in just under three years. I used to love moving because something was always better in our new place. And now, after we accumulated twice as much, no joke, with the little munchkin it is definitely not as easy :)

Cordy in her new tub!! We actually have natural light in every room of the house, with our huge windows :)


coolhandluke said...

you've beat us by a long shot! glad to hear you all have some breathing space now.

Don Anderson said...

You should write a book on organization! I'm sure you've got it down by now! (Ilove the natural light!) Windows! Wow!

Tara Schrock said...

ah...I am jealous of your natural light, that's my favorite....we get a little on one side of our apartment. That is alot of moving, and you will move the end of summer again somewhere else...It's good you have a positive attitude about moving. Me, eh I don't like it, not one bit. But, we've moved around 3 states randomly upsized and downsized and storagized and crazified and became stupified by you!