Sunday, November 7, 2010

Slowing Down

So, just recently I have been trying to have some girl time with my friends, and it has been so amazing! Aaron has been such a good husband and he really pushes me to hang out with my old friends...This month I feel so much better about myself because I have had some girl time. Time where Daddy is taking care of Cordy, and I can completely relax and spend an hour or so just having fun and having no responsibilities: no dishes, no diapers, no feeding, no vacuuming... just me. I know this sounds so selfish, but I have realized as a mom, this time is so important! I think I would go crazy without some "me" time. I love, love, love being a mom and a wife, but at times I want to pull my hair out because I feel like there are days where I cook, clean, do laundry, and put baby to bed/feed 24/7. This is time where I can just breathe and completely de-stress (I have been grinding my teeth at night like crazy because I get so stressed sometimes.)

Having this time makes me realize how much I love my little family. It's amazing that by pulling back a little, and having a chance to relax makes life so much more enjoyable. Lately I have worked out with some of my friends, done crafts, and yes even shopping and tanning. Some things that make life slow down again, in a good way. I hardly ever do things like this anymore with other girls, and once in a while it's kind of nice :) . I feel so blessed to have a husband that doesn't grumble when I ask to run some errands in the evening, while he watches the munchkin. He loves to see me happy, and would literally do anything to see me smile.


sherrie bebe said...

Getting away is definitely necessary! It's amazing how refreshed one can feel after a little socializing with the girls and how much better of a mom and wife we are when we get a brief break every once and a while. You are so lucky to have a husband that understands and is willing to help. Lee is amazing like that as well. We are so blessed!

Tara Schrock said...

Maybe that's what I need to do? i have only hung out with friends twice in the last year for anything, and one was a baby shower. I usually feel guilty having fun without the kids or Brian....but it's's very fun and fulfilling when I have. I am glad you've found all those fun things to enjoy, you sound like such a fun and exciting person Brenna.

Brenna King said...

Sherrie we are so blessed!!

And Tara Brian would totally understand. I felt bad leaving Aaron, but he knows I need a break now and then, and Brian knows too!! And being able to forget about everything makes a world of difference. Do it!! Even if it's only for an hour to do lunch, or go get ice cream, or heck even window shop.

Love you guys!